Psychophysiological help for the child before the exam

Parents can help their child, which is to create conditions for effective preparation for exams about compound sentence examples and definition, support health, raise the general tone of the body, strengthen immunity. 1. Monitor the child's well-being, at the first signs of overwork it is advisable to take a break, change activities, distract yourself. Explain to the teenager that resting without...
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Recommendations for parents on psychological support for the child on the eve of exams

Psychological support Do not increase a child's anxiety on the eve of sbac practice test for 3rd grade, broadcasting to him his own condition. This may be phrases like: "I'm afraid for you at the exam, I'm not calm at heart", etc. Excitement of parents is always transmitted to the child. Adults themselves at an important moment can cope with their emotions, but the child, due to his or her age,...
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