Psychophysiological help for the child before the exam

Parents can help their child, which is to create conditions for effective preparation for exams about compound sentence examples and definition, support health, raise the general tone of the body, strengthen immunity.

1. Monitor the child’s well-being, at the first signs of overwork it is advisable to take a break, change activities, distract yourself. Explain to the teenager that resting without waiting for fatigue is the best remedy for overwork.

2. Control the mode of preparation for exams, don’t allow overwork.

3. When working out the daily routine, remember that you shouldn’t allow your child to study at night. Finish lessons no later than 10 p.m., leave about an hour before going to bed to rest and switch their attention. Healthy sleep should be at least eight hours. It is not necessary to study late in the evening and just before going to bed.

4. Together with your child, determine his biorhythms, the “golden hour”, who he is: “lark” or “owl”. If it is a “lark” – the basic preparation is done in the daytime, if it is a “night owl” – in the evening. Thus difficult themes can be studied in periods of the highest brain activity, and familiar themes to leave for the periods of recession.

5. It is optimal for a child, when preparing for examinations, to choose a mode of studying in periods of 1.5 hours (in the mode 40 minutes + 40 minutes) with half an hour breaks. During lessons, it is possible to use methods of switching attention, exercises for the eyes.

6. Pay attention to the child’s food, it should be regular, at least 5 times a day, but it is not recommended to eat before going to bed. During intense mental stress a child needs a nutritious and varied food and a balanced complex of vitamins. Foods such as fish, cottage cheese, nuts, apricots, etc., stimulate the brain. Need more vitamins – vegetables, fruits, berries (lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackcurrants), lemons and oranges.

7. It is important that the child does without stimulants (coffee, strong tea), the nervous system before the exam is already stressed. The habit of using sedatives or stimulants can later become entrenched and contribute to an addiction to artificial stimulation of the nervous system.

8. It will be futile for the child to try to concentrate on the material in a room with a TV or radio on. If the teen wants to work to music, arrange for that music to be without words and played in the background.

9. The child should have a comfortable place to study a compound sentence contains what at home. A properly organized workplace, sufficient lighting, an opportunity for privacy, and an opportunity to lie down and relax if desired are necessary for effective preparation for exams. Make sure that no one from home disturbs you. Remember: the main thing is to reduce the tension and anxiety of the pupil and provide him or her with the necessary conditions for studying.

10. On the eve of the exam give your child a good rest, he should rest well and get a good night’s sleep.
