Getting ready for school with your child

“Today’s school with is like the first grade of an institute!” – sung in a famous song.

Parental mistakes in preparing for school
In any case, moms and dads have about the same trepidation and excitement about these institutions. Of course, any parent wants their precious child to go to a good, prestigious school, and they make every effort to do so.

But, alas, very often the preparation for school is limited to intellectual “coaching and The young talents learn to read and count from their toenails, operate with two-digit numbers, read Pushkin and Lermontov by heart. And yet they find themselves unprepared for school life! Ironically, academic success is not the most important thing in the life of a future first grader.

Rule One: Building Motivation
Much more important is to form his motivation – that is, a desire to learn, the ability to concentrate, to do the teacher’s tasks (which, we note, is not always interesting). And preparation for school should be systematic and consistent – it is just the case, when it is better slowly but surely, rather than from time to time, but massive throws.

Rule number two: Do not ignore the “simple truths.
It sometimes happens that a budding genius knows many constellations, peculiarities of photosynthesis and harmonic minor, but cannot answer what his parents’ names are, what city he lives in, what street he lives on, etc. Such seemingly primitive knowledge is in fact no less important. Ask your future schoolchild, for example, what time of year it is and why he thinks so. Can he describe a simple picture? Ask him how he can call a sofa, a table, a chair in one word. Can he/she easily classify, generalize and highlight essential features of many different items? If this makes it difficult for a child, special games will help.

Rule three: follow directions
An important skill for the future first grader – to act accurately according to instructions. To practice, you can play a robot. First, your child plays the role of the robot, and you give him or her the most accurate and detailed instructions, and then you change roles. Tasks can be very different – and “educational” (for example, something to draw, write, count), and everyday (set the table, water the flowers), and just fun (jump ten times on one leg, cock-a-doodle-doo under the table, etc.).

Rule number four: develop fine motor skills
Another important thing is to develop fine motor skills. Speech therapists, educators, and psychologists never tire of repeating the benefits of this activity. It is not very important which way your child will choose – if only he enjoyed it. Perhaps it will be stringing beads, playing beads, embroidering on a special plastic frame-canvas, collecting puzzles or poring over buckwheat grits. Small fingers should make small and precise enough movements – it is important both for beautiful handwriting and for the development of speech.
