What is Ayurveda and how foods help us get healthier

Yogi nutrition, experienced or beginner, comes from the Ayurvedic tradition - the oldest science of healing. Ayurveda is a holistic and simple form of healing approach that focuses not on "relieving" symptoms, but on identifying the deeper causes of one's health condition. That is, it is important to fight not only with the consequences of the disease, but also to penetrate into the very essence...
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How to help a first grader survive stress?

In our article, we will give advice to parents of first-graders that will help the child quickly get rid of stress and read Noticing changes in the character and behavior of a first grader, parents should immediately take decisive action to help the child overcome fears and insecurities in order to quickly adapt to the school community. What should parents of first graders do? - Talk frankly....
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How a child can avoid math problems and where they come from

Mathematics and has a reputation as the most difficult school subject. From the very first grade, children hear that computing is not easy. Perhaps that is why, by high school, 60% of students begin to be afraid of mathematics and worry about tests. However, parents from an early age need to help children fall in love with numbers and prevent the development of mathematical anxiety in the future....
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Execution technique In Tadasana, we check that the weight of the body is evenly distributed between the two legs: the bases under the thumb, little finger and heel are pressed to the floor. We transfer the weight to the right leg, and raise the left one, bend it at the knee and set it from the inner surface of the right thigh - closer to the groin area. We tighten the kneecap of the supporting...
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Looking forward to graduation…

There are many wonderful moments captured in memory and in photographs in the life of every person. But there is an event that is exceptional in its importance, solemnity and excitement. This is Graduation! Soulful and ceremonial, joyful and sad at the same time. Everyone - both children and adults - wants the holiday of "successful growing up" to be bright and unforgettable. That's just the...
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Is it important to praise a child?

Every child wants to earn the praise and attention of their parents. And when a child succeeds, and his parents praise him, he smiles and laughs. To evoke a positive reaction from the parents, the child repeats these actions over and over again. But many parents do not know when to praise and when not to. It is important to pay attention to the child When parents are busy with something, maybe...
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What problems can be solved with the help of mandalas

Mandala such as is a universal and very simple tool for solving many problems that you may encounter during your life. This method is suitable for any person, regardless of his knowledge and skills. Mandalas are applicable to any area of ​​life, whether personal, financial or career, and can be quite effective if you take this practice seriously. There is no magic here - it's just that your...
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Rules of conduct in nature

Move from theory to practice - introduce your child to the rules of behavior in nature and ✓ You can not thoughtlessly tear plants, break tree branches, knock down mushrooms with shoes (even inedible ones). For the ecosystem of a forest, park or coastal zone, every element is valuable. ✓ Of particular interest to pests are butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies and People catch them and kill...
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Dynamic meditation or meditative walking

If sitting still is difficult, then meditative walking can be used. This type of practice is used less frequently than the usual static ones. But for beginners, it and can be interesting. Go outside (preferably in a park or where there are not a lot of cars). Take a few deep breaths, making sure that your breathing remains even and deep throughout the practice. Mentally check that all parts of...
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Discipline of children: what is it

Disciplining children is a way of teaching them to follow certain norms and read https://argoprep.com/blog/types-of-assessments-everything-you-need-to-know/.  This is not a whim of adults, but a guarantee of a conflict-free relationship with a child, his harmonious physical, emotional and mental development. Unfortunately, many parents tend to let this process take its course, believing that...
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