What problems can be solved with the help of mandalas

Mandala such as is a universal and very simple tool for solving many problems that you may encounter during your life. This method is suitable for any person, regardless of his knowledge and skills. Mandalas are applicable to any area of ​​life, whether personal, financial or career, and can be quite effective if you take this practice seriously. There is no magic here - it's just that your...
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Rules of conduct in nature

Move from theory to practice - introduce your child to the rules of behavior in nature and ✓ You can not thoughtlessly tear plants, break tree branches, knock down mushrooms with shoes (even inedible ones). For the ecosystem of a forest, park or coastal zone, every element is valuable. ✓ Of particular interest to pests are butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies and People catch them and kill...
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